What is a Mentor?
The CEO mentoring program provides an effective networking model for students.
It establishes connections, strengthens understanding of complex career paths, and develops greater social skills through the mentorship experience. Ultimately, these relationships strengthen the CEO program’s success and build generational bridges between the CEO students and the business community.
A Mentor is a business owner, entrepreneur, or intreprenuer from the business community. A mentor is someone willing to share their time and expertise with a CEO student. Mentors attend a monthly meeting that takes place during CEO time.
Want to Become A Mentor If you are interested in becoming a mentor send us a message.

West Central MN CEO
Student Mentors
Mentors help students understand their career path and develop greater communication skills.
Liv Aasen
Rachel Aeikens
December Day Creative
Melissa Aker
Blessings & Blossoms
Julie Anderson
Kensington Insurance
Insurance Agent
Beth Elliott
Bravera Bank
Ag Lender Vice President
Zach Gerdes
Farm Bureau Financial Services
Kristie Haubrich
Nova-Tech Engineering
Product Branding Product Owner
Sergio Morales
212 Hub Nutrition
Kristy Nystrom
Nova-Tech Engineering
Corporate Agile Coach
Brian Punt
Next Level Agriculture Solutions
Klinton VanHeuveln
K&S Poultry and Meats